GeoNode Training Documentation

Welcome to the GeoNode Training Documentation, by GeoSolutions s.a.s.

GeoNode is an Open Source, Content Management System (CMS) for geospatial data. It is a web-based application and platform for developing geospatial information systems (GIS) and for deploying spatial data infrastructures (SDI).

Getting started with GeoNode (GN1)

This module guides you through an overview of GeoNode and its main components.

At the end of this section, you will have a clear understanding of what GeoNode is and what it can do. You will be able to use its main functionalities, understand some of the basic concepts of the system infrastructure, manage and modify user accounts and permissions, as well as use and manage the different GeoNode basic resources.

Mastering GeoNode data publishing and management (GN2)

This module will teach you how to use GeoNode by going into depth about what we can do with the software application and by helping you understand all the GeoNode sections and entities from a user perspective.

At the end of this section you will know how to:
  • Use the GeoNode search tools to find your resources.

  • Manage Datasets and Maps, update the styles, and publish them.

  • Load different types of Datasets into GeoNode and keep them synchronized with GeoServer.

Mastering GeoNode Installation and Configuration (GN3)

This module is more oriented toward setting up Geonode from scratch and having a System Administrator background.

At the end of this section, you will be able to set up the whole GeoNode infrastructure from scratch and understand how the different pieces are interconnected and what their dependencies are.

Mastering GeoNode Development (GN4)

This module will introduce you to the GeoNode architecture (that the framework is based upon) and what can be built upon it.

It will help you understand how to customize GeoNode’s look and feel and how to implement custom features.

It also introduces you to the geonode-mapstore-client which GeoNode uses as a front-end framework to include map/datasets viewers and editors or as an application related to the concept of spatial data.

Using the QGIS GeoNode plugin (GN5)

This module will introduce you to the QGIS GeoNode plugin.

It will cover the breadth of functionalities available in the QGIS plugin and how it can be used to interact with GeoNode.

License Information


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  • Attribution. You must attribute the documentation to the author.

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  • Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.

  • Public Domain. Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license.

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  • Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations;

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The document is written in reStructuredText format for consistency and portability.

Author Information

This documentation was written by GeoSolutions.

The layout for the reStructuredText based documentation is based on the work done by the GeoNode project and the Sphinx framework.

If you have questions, found a bug, or have enhancements, please contact us through

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