Finding Contents

With some of the metadata fields correctly updated and populated, it will be easier to search for contents on the platform catalog.

Quick Filters

  • Change back to the Data > Datasets list.

  • Notice that the position of the Mainrd dataset has now changed. You should be able to see it as the first element if you correctly updated the Last Modified.


  • By default, the list is ordered by the Last Modified date descending. It is possible to quickly change the order of the items by clicking on the Order by quick filter button.


  • On the left, there is a filter button that opens a set of quick filters that can be used to refine the list contents further.

    • The dataset option is checked since we are viewing a list of datasets, and the different types are listed in default order. This is the most simple one and allows you to search for specific types of datasets quickly.


    • Try typing in the TEXT filter, the system will show a content menu with the refined list of possible choices associated with the text. Notice how difficult it is to find the dataset with a non-meaningful title and how easy it is to find the others instead. If you know part of the title or description of the dataset, this is one of the quickest ways to search for it.


    • Also using the KEYWORDS filter will greatly help us to search for specific content.

    • We can use the CATEGORIES filter to further refine the search or to look for specific areas of content.

    • If we know who created the dataset, we can use the owner filters.

    • The REGIONS filters only work well if the Regions have been correctly set on the metadata panel.

    • Finally, the EXTENT filter can also be a quick way to refine the list by zooming in over an area of interest
