Creating and Editing Data

Create an Empty Dataset

  • Click on Add Resource > create dataset


  • Fill the form with some values; first of all insert a name and title and select Polygon as geometry type

  • Add three attributes and click the Create button

    • label: String

    • value: Float

    • date: Date


  • GeoNode will create the new empty dataset with the selected geometry type and attributes and will redirect you directly to the detail page


Edit the Dataset Data

  • Click on Edit > Edit Data


  • Click on the pencil to enter the edit mode


  • Click on the add New Feature button


  • Click on the pencil again


  • Draw a small polygon over the dataset and click on the floppy disk button to save


  • Double-click on the attributes table columns to enable the edit mode on the values


  • Insert some values as shown below; the date-time attributes must be provided in ISO format


  • Save and repeat the operation as many times you want

  • Once finished, go back to the dataset detail page; you will notice that GeoNode will show some features, but the bounding box is still the whole world; remember to clean the image cache of the browser to show the new features


Update the Dataset Bounding Box

  • Logout and login again as an admin; from the context menù, click on GeoServer


  • If you are still logged in as test_user1 on GeoServer, follow the steps below





  • Go to the GeoServer Data > Layers section


  • Select and click on the Test layer you just created


  • Scroll down to the Bounding Boxes section, update them as shown in the figure, and Save


  • In order to allow GeoNode getting the updated bbox you can either:

    1. Edit the Metadata again and just click on the Update button

    2. Running the updatelayers management command from the Python shell

      • Open a new terminal window and move to /opt/geonode

      • Run the following commands

      cd /opt/geonode/
      workon geonode
      ./ updatelayers -f test_layer
  • Go back to Test layer detail page and refresh now the dataset will be zoomed on the right location

Delete Data

  • Enter the Edit Data mode again

  • Select (click over) a polygon and click on the Trash Bin icon


  • Confirm the deletion and verify the polygon disappeared from the map


  • Go back to the dataset details page, refresh the browser image cache, and verify the feature is not present anymore

Refresh the Thumbnail

  • You can refresh the thumbnail of the dataset by clicking Edit > Edit Info an then image in the current thumbnail.

  • Click Apply to set the thumbnail to the current dataset preview.


Next Section: Downloading, Replacing, Appending Data