Publishing Vector Time Series

Publish Temporal Shapefile through GeoNode

  • From the folder /opt/data/sample_data/gisdata/data/good/time upload the file boxes_with_date


  • The upload will start but will not complete and will ask the user for further input


  • Click on the Complete the upload button, you will be redirected to a summary page with the list of the available temporal dimensions


  • Enable the time check, select the date field, and click on next. It will take some time to finalize the upload. When finished, you will be redirected to the details page


  • Click on Edit > Edit Metadata and switch to the Settings tab. You’ll notice that the Has Time checkbox has been enabled


    When the Has Time checkbox is enabled, GeoNode asks the OWS Service for the time dimension values

  • Notice that the time slider has been enabled on the map.

Publish Temporal Dataset through GeoServer

  • Let’s prepare the dataset first. We will restore some DB tables and create the dataset on GeoServer

  • Open a terminal window and execute the following commands

    cd /opt/data/sample_data/user_data/storm_track_sql
    createdb -U postgres -O geonode storm_track_sql
    psql -U postgres storm_track_sql -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
    psql -U postgres storm_track_sql < storm_track_sql.db
    psql -U postgres storm_track_sql -c "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE storm_obs TO geonode;"

    This will create a new DB and restore a table of the historical storms from an existing dump.

  • We need to create the dataset on GeoServer first. As an admin navigate to the GeoServer admin GUI, click on Data > Stores, and then Postgis Data Store


  • Provide the connection parameters to the new DB

    • Name: storm_track

    • Description: storm_track

    • Database: storm_track_sql

    • Username: geonode

    • Password: geonode

    Click the Save button.


  • Click on Publish in the next window


  • Compute the Data Bounds


  • Click on the Dimensions tab and enable the Time Dimension as shown here below


  • The dataset is ready and published on GeoServer. Now we need to import it on GeoNode

  • Navigate to the terminal window, enable the geonode virtual environment, and navigate to the folder /opt/geonode. Execute the updatelayers management command as follows

    workon geonode
    cd /opt/geonode
    ./ updatelayers --skip-geonode-registered  -w geonode -f storm_obs
  • The new dataset will be created on GeoNode, it will show only a single point without the time slider


  • Edit the metadata and enable the Has Time checkbox


  • Save it and go back to the details page


  • Upload the storm_obs.sld style file from the folder /opt/data/sample_data/pretty_maps/styles

    image image


  • Go to the dataset details page, expand the time slider, and try to move through the valid temporal instants and intervals




Next Section: Advanced maps publishing and management