Charts and Widgets

  • Upload the dataset ne_110m_admin_0_map_units from the local path /opt/data/sample_data/Natural_Erath/110m_cultural/

  • Create a new map and add the dataset just uploaded


  • Let’s tweak a bit some settings as we learn from the previous section


  • Open the Charts and Widget window and select Table image

  • Select only the attrbutes NAME and ISO3 and click on Next icon


  • Provide some Title and Description and Save image

  • Resize and move the widget where you want on the map; also notice that its contents change accordingly to the geometries present on the viewport


  • To change its contents and make them fixed, despite the zoom level, edit the widget again and uncheck the Chain icon


  • Let’s add a Chart widget to the map; repeat the steps at point 1 but selecting Chart image

  • Select ISO3 as X Axis, POP_EST as Y Axis, MAX as Operation and, optionally, change the color of the chart; notice the preview changing accordingly


  • Open the Advanced Options, change the Type to LOG and notice the scale and preview changing accordingly


  • Try changing it to CATEGORY also


  • Change it back to LINEAR, optionally add a Prefix and Format, check the preview and save


  • Bind the chart to the map and try zooming on some regions of Africa; notice the chart adapting accordingly


  • Try zooming around over some other continents and see how the chart changes


Next Section: Harvesting Workflows