Viewer and plugins configurations

GeoNode integrates the MapStore configuration using some variables or by allowing overrides via HTML templates.

Update configuration via

The file is available inside a geonode-project (my_geonode) at the following path /opt/geonode-project/my_geonode/src/my_geonode/ However, in GeoNode, it is located at geonode/ While, the GeoNode contains the list of all available settings in the whole application, the geonode-mapstore-client is using only a subset of those that can be checked inside the file.

Update the base map configuration

Edit the of the project

vim /opt/geonode-project/my_geonode/src/my_geonode/

Add the following variables at the end of the settings file to center the new maps on Florence.

DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER_X = 1261620 # initial x center position of the map (EPSG:3857 default crs)
DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER_Y = 5439686 # initial y center position of the map (EPSG:3857 default crs)
DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM = 10 # initial zoom level of the map

Save the file and open a new map.

New map centered to Florence

It is also possible to add the list of default background layers with the MAPSTORE_BASELAYERS variable inside the

vim /opt/geonode-project/my_geonode/src/my_geonode/

Add the following list of layers to override the default one.

        "type": "osm",
        "title": "Open Street Map",
        "name": "mapnik",
        "source": "osm",
        "group": "background",
        "visibility": True
        "source": "ol",
        "group": "background",
        "id": "none",
        "name": "empty",
        "title": "Empty Background",
        "type": "empty",
        "visibility": False,
        "args": ["Empty Background", {"visibility": False}]
        "format": "image/jpeg",
        "group": "background",
        "name": "osm:osm_simple_dark",
        "opacity": 1,
        "title": "OSM Simple Dark",
        # "thumbURL": "path/to/thumb/image",
        "type": "wms",
        "url": [
        "source": "osm_simple_dark",
        "visibility": False,
        "singleTile": False,
        "credits": {
            "title": "OSM Simple Dark | Rendering <a href=\"\">GeoSolutions</a> | Data © <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href=\"\">ODbL</a>"

NOTE all the base map layers should be included in the group background.

Save the file and open a new map with the new background available.

New map with new background available

You can find additional documentation related to layer types supported by MapStore here.

NOTE Now only some types of layers are supported as background such as wms, osm, empty and tileprovider

Update the plugin configuration

The MAPSTORE_PLUGINS_CONFIG_PATCH_RULES variable allows for updates to the plugins included in the viewer pages of the geonode-mapstore-client application. The MAPSTORE_PLUGINS_CONFIG_PATCH_RULES accepts a list of objects with the following properties:

  • op: operation, one of add, remove or replace

  • jsonpath: the plugin path represented as jsonpath language

  • value: the value to add or replace

Each page in the geonode-mapstore-client viewers is composed using a different plugin that can be added, removed, or replaced. Here is the list of available pages:

plugins key configuration









/catalogue/#/dashboard/{pk} (mobile device)












/catalogue/#/dataset/{pk} (mobile device)






/catalogue/#/document/{pk} (mobile device)






/catalogue/#/geostory/{pk} (mobile device)








/catalogue/#/map/{pk} (mobile device)

Each of the above key pages inside of the localConfig.plugins section is an array of plugins.

Now let’s try to apply some changes to the map viewer page.

vim /opt/geonode-project/my_geonode/src/my_geonode/

Add the following set of rules inside the MAPSTORE_PLUGINS_CONFIG_PATCH_RULES variable

        "op": "remove",
        "jsonpath": "$.map_viewer..[?( == 'Measure')]"
        "op": "add",
        "jsonpath": "/map_viewer/-",
        "value": {
            "name": "SearchServicesConfig"

Save the file and open a new map.

  • The Measure plugin is not visible

  • The SearchServicesConfig is available in the search tool (see cog icon)

Map viewer with new plugin configuration

Additional available configuration variables

  • DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE tiles size used by map and dataset viewers by default (512px)

  • DEFAULT_LAYER_FORMAT tiles format used by map and dataset viewers by default (‘image/png’)

Update configuration via overrideLocalConfig

The localConfig.json is the main configuration file for MapStore and can be used to change a page’s structure by including, updating, or removing plugins. The geonode-mapstore-project exposes a global function called overrideLocalConfig that allows overrides in a geonode-project.

The project should provide a config template called _geonode_config.html in the following location

|-- ...
|-- templates/
|    |-- ...
|    +-- geonode-mapstore-client/
|         +-- _geonode_config.html
|-- ...

The _geonode_config.html template contains the default overrideLocalConfig that returns the unmodified localConfig.json

{% extends 'geonode-mapstore-client/_geonode_config.html' %}
{% block override_local_config %}
    window.__GEONODE_CONFIG__.overrideLocalConfig = function(localConfig, _) {
        // Here the localConfig can be overridden and/or extended
        return localConfig;
{% endblock %}

Now the window.__GEONODE_CONFIG__.overrideLocalConfig function can be used to override the localConfig.json file.

How to restore a plugin on a page.

This example shows how to restore the SearchServicesConfig plugin inside the map_viewer configuration

NOTE this approach is an alternative to the MAPSTORE_PLUGINS_CONFIG_PATCH_RULES variable

<!-- _geonode_config.html file in the my_geonode project -->
{% extends 'geonode-mapstore-client/_geonode_config.html' %}
{% block override_local_config %}
    window.__GEONODE_CONFIG__.overrideLocalConfig = function(localConfig) {
        "SearchServicesConfig" has been disabled by default but is still available
        inside the list of imported plugins.
        It should be enabled only on the pages that contain the "Search" plugin.

        localConfig.plugins.map_viewer.push({ "name": "SearchServicesConfig" });

        return localConfig;
{% endblock %}

How to remove a plugin from a page

This example shows how to remove the Measure plugin from the map_viewer configuration

NOTE this approach is an alternative to the MAPSTORE_PLUGINS_CONFIG_PATCH_RULES variable

{% extends 'geonode-mapstore-client/_geonode_config.html' %}
{% block override_local_config %}
    window.__GEONODE_CONFIG__.overrideLocalConfig = function(localConfig) {
        // an example on how you can remove a plugin from configuration
        // example: Remove Measure from the map viewer
        localConfig.plugins['map_viewer'] = localConfig.plugins['map_viewer'].filter(plugin => !['Measure'].includes(;
        return localConfig;
{% endblock %}

Next Section: Setup of a GeoNode MapStore Client in development mode