Setup of a GeoNode MapStore Client in development mode

This section shows how to setup a GeoNode MapStore Client in development mode to get a local environment where is possible to debug the frontend client.

Here are the steps on how to setup this environment:

Clone the geonode-mapstore-client repository

cd /opt
sudo mkdir client
sudo chown -Rf $USER: client/
cd client/
git clone --recursive -b 4.1.x

Install the geonode-mapstore-client repository just cloned in edit mode inside the my_geonode virtual environment

workon my_geonode
cd /opt/client/geonode-mapstore-client/
pip uninstall django_geonode_mapstore_client
pip install -e .

Restart the geonode project

cd /opt/geonode-project/my_geonode/src
./ stop_django
./ start_django

Working with MapStore requires node and npm to be installed on your virtual machine. We suggest installing nvm to be able to use the correct version of node and npm:

Install nvm

wget -qO- | bash

Close and then re-open the terminal. Then install the node version 14.7.0 with

nvm install 14.7.0

Now test the node and npm versions with

node -v

output: v14.7.0

npm -v

output: 6.14.7

Create an .env file in the client directory

touch /opt/client/geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client/.env

Edit the .env file

vim /opt/client/geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client/.env

Paste these variables in the .env file


Install all package dependencies with the command

cd /opt/client/geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client
npm install

Start the development application locally

npm start

Now open the url http://localhost:8081/ to work on the client. Adding the debug=true to the development url is possible to log in the browser dev tool all the actions dispatched by the frontend (http://localhost:8081?debug=true/)

Note the protocol of the local development url change based on the target instance of GeoNode defined in the .env file with the variable DEV_SERVER_PROTOCOL

Next Section: Structure of the client: directories and files