Searching GeoNode

After having configured a GeoNode connection, you can use the plugin to search and load GeoNode datasets onto QGIS

  • Select the Test Connection 1 in the connections dropdown

  • Click on the Search Geonode button to view all the data sets available to you


  • You can scroll through all the available data or use the Sort by dropdown or check the Reverse order box.

  • Make sure the Title field is chosen for sorting

Note: Sorting is performed by the remote GeoNode server. Therefore it must be parametrized before actually searching the remote. If you wish to change the sort order after having already performed a search then you need to press the Search GeoNode button again.

  • To find a specific dataset, use a search filter.

  • Click on the Advanced and Temporal state and Publication date dropdown arrows to see all of the filters available to you. Depending on the detected GeoNode version, the following search filters may be available:

    Search filter



    The resource title is used to filter search results and return records that contain the supplied title


    Same as the title filter, records that contain the provided abstract value will be returned


    Search will filter all resources that have keywords that exactly match the selected keyword

    Topic Category

    Filters the resources that their categories exactly match the selected category

    Resources types

    Filters resources based on the selected resource type

    Temporal extent

    This filter is used to select resources based on the stored temporal extent. Two fields start and end are used to represent the beginning and end of the extent respectively, during filtering both fields’ values are excluded. When both fields are supplied, resources containing temporal extent that is greater than start and less than end will be returned. If only start is provided, resources with the temporal extent beginning that is greater than start will be returned, if only end is provided resources with temporal extent end that is less than end will be returned

    Publication date

    This filter has similar conditions as the Temporal extent filter, the difference here is the filter is applied to the resource’s publication date and not the resource’s temporal extent

    Spatial Extent

    The spatial extent filter is used to filter resources based on their geospatial extent, the extent can be filled by using a QGIS layer extent, map canvas extent or values can be manually added

  • Search the data by entering Cities into the title field and clicking Search Geonode


Once the search is complete a list of search results is shown below the search buttons. If a large number of results has been found you may use the previous and next buttons to paginate through the whole result set and eventually inspect all of them. In this case, there is only one result.

search result

Each dataset shown on the search results list features the following elements:




The title of the dataset

Dataset type

Whether the dataset is a vector or a raster


Brief description of the dataset


Small image representation of the dataset

Load layer via WMS

Button to allow loading the dataset onto QGIS as a WMS layer

Load via WFS/WCS

Depending on the type of dataset, a button to load the dataset onto QGIS either as a WFS (for vectors) or WCS (for raster) layer

Open dataset in web browser

Button to open your web browser and visit the original dataset URL on the remote GeoNode instance

Next Section: Adding a GeoNode Layer to QGIS