Uploading datasets from QGIS to GeoNode

The QGIS GeoNode plugin allows uploading existing QGIS datasets to a GeoNode instance. We will use some of the sample data and upload it using the following steps:

  • Load the vector dataset Trails.shp in your preferred manner

    • Drag and drop onto the map canvas

    • Use the Browser

    • Add vector dataset dialogue


  • Style the dataset to a simple brown line


  • Double click on the dataset and in the properties navigate to the GeoNode tab.

  • locate the Upload dataset to the GeoNode group

  • Select an appropriate connection from the GeoNode connection drop-down eg. Test Connection 1.

  • Choose the default visibility to be applied to the uploaded dataset by toggling the Make dataset publicly available checkbox (check the box)

  • Click the Upload dataset to GeoNode button. The plugin then proceeds to upload the dataset to GeoNode.


Note; Uploading a QGIS dataset to GeoNode is likely an operation that requires your GeoNode connection to use authentication.

  • Go to your GeoNode instance and view the dataset uploaded from QGIS


The current version of this plugin uses a timeout of ten minutes for the dataset upload operation, which may be a limitation for large files. A future version of the plugin may allow the user to modify this value.